Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Fashion Photography: The Polarising Effect of a Photograph

Fashion photography is a polarising subject to a lot of people. For many, it eschews the "dream" of beauty and stunning couture, something to aspire to, something to dream for. For many others, it is about the false image of beauty and the great lie contained within the images. Very few fashion publications escape the harsh opinions of those that see beauty as from within and not from without, especially when the magazines and publications are famous, no, infamous for greatly editing the models and images so much that the original image and the model are completely beyond recognition.

Where did this all come from? Why is it so hotly and viciously debated?

A Brief History

Photography began around the mid 1830's after the invention of the first camera. Though true fashion photography did not begin in earnet until the early 1900's when huge advances in halftone printing were achieved. The onset of this technology allowed fasion photographs to be published in magazines and newspapers.

However, the first true fashion model appeared in around 1860. Her name Virginia Oldoini, the Countess of Castiglione. She was a prominent noblewoman in Tuscany, and was the subject of the earliest examples of fashion photography

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